10 EXACT Moments Video Game Fans Tapped Out

8. No NPCs In This Post-Apocalypse - Fallout 76

fallout 76

Potentially controversial opinion here, but I’d argue that Fallout didn’t necessarily lose its player base when it was announced the game would focus on multiplayer. Was the focus on multiplayer what diehard single player fans of the classic Fallout games were keen for? Not necessarily.

But even for the most multiplayer-averse gamers like me there was a curiosity to what it would be like to share a big beautiful Bethesda open world with your friends.

Instead, the bigger fumble for dedicated Fallout buffs was probably the announcement that the game would have no NPCs. After all, there are plenty of MMOs and multiplayer games that manage to have engaging stories, and engaging stories are what the Fallout series is built on, but it’s tricky to do that when your only non-player characters are robots.

While some did enjoy the eerie empty post apocalypse, the soul of Fallout games is so often delivered through the NPCs, your relationships with them, and their troubling stories, that something very important was lost when they were omitted.

Of course, NPCs are back in Fallout 76 now and they’re unlikely to leave the franchise ever again but the decision to nix them certainly alienated a lot of fans.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.