10 Exact Moments Video Game Villains Became Obsessed With You

1. Before The Beginning Of The Game - Infamous

Zenos viator Galvus
Sucker Punch

The entire story of Infamous is a closed time-loop set in motion by the future version of main character Cole, who goes by the name Kessler throughout the game.

In Kessler's time, he got powers just like Cole, but didn't really use them the same way he did. So when a mysterious and all-powerful "Beast" appears and starts wreaking havoc, he takes his wife and kids and runs. And he kept running until the Beast caught up with them and killed everyone he loved. So, future Cole used his newest ability to try and set things right: he sent himself on a one-way trip back in time, founded the villainous organization The First Sons, and set the entire game in motion - all with the sole intent of making Cole into the world's greatest superhero.

Kessler reduced Empire City to a Mad Maxian nightmare, unleashed untold horrors onto the world, killed Cole's girlfriend (and in another life, Kessler's wife) Trish, turned Cole's best buddy Zeke against him, and - regardless of Cole's morality at the end - Kessler gets his wish. Cole will be ready when the Beast arrives.

Kessler's obsession began before you even hit start on the game, and it defines the entire story of Infamous.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?