10 Exact Moments Video Game Villains Became Obsessed With You

7. Coming Back As Meta Ridley - Metroid Prime

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You would think, given their history, that Samus would be the one obsessed with Ridley. He did, after all, destroy her home world and personally murder her parents. But considering how many times she's killed Ridley by now, you gotta imagine she's worked through most of that.

No, you want obsession, just look at the big purple space lizard himself.

This so-called pirate has come back from the dead so many times it's a running gag of the franchise. And all to get back at this one woman whose parents he killed like 20 years ago. The apex of this came in Metroid Prime when he came back as a giant lizard robot named Meta Ridley.

After his defeat in Norfair, Ridley's remains are picked up by his fellow space pirates before the planet explodes. At the order of their higher-ups, the pirates then proceed to rebuild him as a giant robot dragon monster, complete with sick-ass laser breath.

And what is the first thing Ridley does with this new lease on life? You guessed it, he immediately goes after Samus again.

The hate between these two could power an entire city for a year. Ridley will always be back to torment Samus Aran.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?