10 Exact Moments Video Games Should Have Ended (But Didn't)

1. The True Orochi Boss Fight - Ōkami

Last of us 2 ending

When you think of brutally overlong video games, there are few that can claim that title more egregiously than Ōkami, a visually stunning, ludicrously entertaining action-adventure game that needlessly clocks in at a ridiculous 30 hours.

Many players likely assumed the game was wrapping up during the first encounter with eight-headed dragon Orochi, though as anyone who's beaten Ōkami will know, this is really the end of the game's first act, and there are about 20 damn hours to go.

Yet there's a very clear point at which Ōkami should've come to an end - the second and final battle against Orochi in his true form, which occurs roughly 75% of the way through the story.

It's a thrilling, challenging fight that'd be a fitting final boss battle for sure, and yet once Orochi is defeated, the game drags on for another 7-8 hours as you pursue the all-powerful real enemy that is Yami.

Ōkami was already beginning to outstay its welcome at 20-something hours, and a rematch with Orochi felt like a totally reasonable place to go home, but this game just. keeps. going. It's proof perfect that there truly can be too much of a good thing.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.