10 Exact Moments Video Games Should Have Ended (But Didn't)

7. "Would You Kindly?" - BioShock

Last of us 2 ending
2K Games

Sometimes a video game serves up a plot twist so brilliant that there's really nowhere else for the game to go, and so it makes sense to just tie things off as soon as possible.

That's absolutely true of BioShock, which drops a brain-explodingly incredible twist about 75% of the way through its 10-12 hour playtime.

Upon finally meeting Rapture founder Andrew Ryan, it's revealed that the phrase "Would you kindly?" has been used as a psychic trigger throughout the game by your apparent comrade, Atlas, to make you follow his orders without question. Atlas, in fact, is the game's real villain, Frank Fontaine.

Meanwhile, Ryan effectively commits suicide by using the trigger phrase to make the player beat him to death with a golf club. It's an astonishing, superbly executed rug-pull, and one that the remaining few hours of the game can't get close to matching.

The remainder sees the player working their way towards Fontaine for one of the most woefully underwhelming final boss fights in video game history.

Instead, ending the game on a mesmerising Empire Strikes Back-esque downbeat cliffhanger would've set the stage perfectly for a sequel in which players chase down Fontaine, with 2K Games hopefully taking the time to deliver a more worthwhile confrontation.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.