10 Exact Moments Video Games Should Have Ended (But Didn't)

8. Ryo Heads To Guilin - Shenmue II

Last of us 2 ending

Shenmue II will take most players around 20 hours to beat on a first playthrough, though per the game's nature playtimes vary wildly.

Even so, it's a classic case of a game that just doesn't know when to end, and drags on for a few more hours after it reaches a fitting end-point.

The clear climax of the game occurs when Ryo heads to the Kowloon Walled City and takes on the Yellow Head organisation, culminating in a thrilling battle with the outfit's leader, Dou Niu.

The real target of Ryo's mission, his father's killer Lan Di, ends up escaping by helicopter, and then Ryo learns he needs to travel to Bailu Village in Guilin to continue his pursuit.

This would've been a suitable cliffhanger ending after a riveting climactic boss battle, but at this point players are asked to insert the game's fourth and final disc before the story continues on for another few hours.

Ryo heads to Guilin and Shenmue II basically sputters to an unremarkable, momentum-devoid conclusion, when this would've made much more sense as the gentle opening to Shenmue III.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.