10 Exact Moments Where Video Game Immersion Was Shattered

5. Slow Environment Loading

Heavy Rain Thumbnail

In the current age, we are blessed with games so glossy and well-crafted that they look almost more real than real life. Better yet, games that have slightly outdated graphics are often treated to visual upgrades or mods, allowing players to go through old favourites with new modern day graphics.

And so, in a sense, we are spoiled. But even as spoiled as we are, one curse still pervades: the curse of environment loading.

While in many cases it can't be helped, it's uniquely jarring to appear in a new area and see it still be a blurry unrendered mess. Though you can mercifully often wait this out, it still reminds you that you are essentially playing through a series of loading screens, which isn't exactly easy to forget.

Importantly, this can happen in a scenario where you can't just hang out until everything loads in, which is even more jarring because you're now barrelling through a landscape that is going to spend even more time loading it because now you've had to frighten the poor thing.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.