10 Exact Video Game Moments That Made Fans Rage Quit

1. Getting A Blue Shell Just Before The Finish Line - Mario Kart 8

mario kart 8 blue shell

And finally, how could we forget about the bane of every Mario Kart player's existence, the blue shell?

We've all been there - we're decisively in first place and racing towards the finish line, only for a blue shell to zoom over our heads and destroy us mere feet from the chequered flag.

Cue numerous racers skating by us, stealing first, second and maybe even third place, leaving you lucky to get a podium position at all. It is, more than anything else on this list, maddenning.

There's a grim universality to the blue shell, because every single person who's ever played Mario Kart has inevitably been tripped up by it at some point.

In its own way it feels like a metaphor for life - that no matter how skilled you might be, there's always the potential for a blue shell to come along and screw things up.

And unlike every other gaming moment on this list, it actually has the potential to ruin friendships and impact your every day life. As such, what else could be #1?


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.