10 Exceptional Horror Video Games That Deserve A Comeback

7. Cold Fear

The Suffering

There are an alarming amount of PS2 horror titles that never got the sequel rub, one-and-done affairs that came and went like the passing of the tides. However one that was unfairly jettisoned overboard to drown in the seas of obscurity was Cold Fear, a shockingly well-made horror title that never quite made the right splash.

Set aboard a monstrous ship, the player is tasked with uncovering why all has gone quiet below decks. Before you know it you're rushing through leaky corridors from unholy monstrosities, unsure if the next claustrophobic corridor will lead you to freedom or certain doom.

It was a concept so good that Resident Evil Revelations almost straight up copied the idea, but for some reason left out one of Cold Fear's best inclusions. At certain points in the game, the boat would be rocked by heavy waves, causing you to slip and slide across rooms, and completely mess up your aim on enemies. This constant threat of nature itself landing you in hot water made every moment drip with tension.

This game NEEDS a comeback, so please someone throw Cold Fear a life preserver or at least make room on that door your floating on.

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The Suffering
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