10 Exceptional Horror Video Games That Deserve A Comeback

6. The Suffering

The Suffering

Never have I felt more empowered and at the same time more vulnerable than when playing action-horror title The Suffering and it's sequel Ties That Bind. This is a glorious expression of body horror and an absolute gore-fest once the action kicks in, which is incredibly frequent.

In the original title, you play as a man called Torque whose death row due date is interrupted by literal Hell opening up on the prison's island. As you battle your way to freedom you learn of all the atrocities that took place on Carnate Island and each of the enemies you face come to represent these cruel methods of punishment and execution. It's a game that dripped with hatred and used this anger to fuel both your desperate attempt to escape but also as a constant reminder of the brutality that lies within each of us.

The sequel doubled down on all of this, upping the action and horror in equal measure, adding in yet more horrible creatures that begged to be dissected online in forums, and it's this enemy detail especially that's missing from a lot of modern horror titles. With Silent Hill constantly flatlining there's a gap in the market for some out-there designs and The Suffering was chock full of them.

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The Suffering
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