10 Exciting 2018 Video Games Nobody Is Talking About

8. Life Is Strange 2

The Last Night

Choice-driven games that focuses on story instead of gameplay isn't everyone's favorite, but for those who played the first Life is Strange, they can tell you that what it lacks in compelling gameplay, it makes up for with an emotional foundation, tough choices to make, and characters that are more than just stereotypes.

Developer Dontnod showed off a strong comfortability with establishing characters fan can gravitate towards and providing a story that opens itself up to unexpected gut punches and memorable moments. While Max and Chloe's story from the first season and prequel series is at an end, that doesn't mean fans shouldn't come back for this new story.

The recent Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit served as a prequel to LIS2, and it's clear that Dontnod hasn't lost their touch. The strong character work is still present and the way season 2 is set up there helps in providing that need to see what comes next. It may not be your type of game typically, but you owe it to yourself to engage in the emotionally-resonant, unpredictable world of Life Is Strange.

You can play The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit as a free download on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC right now. Then, come September 27th, you can download the first episode of Life Is Strange 2. It will also be available on those same platforms.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.