10 Extremely Rare Video Game NPCs That Reward You For Finding Them

9. Skeleton Horse - Minecraft

fallout 4 scribe
Microsoft Game Studios

Although diamonds are the most sought-after item among Minecraft players, there are actually far more rare and valuable things to be found in the game's blocky world, like the fastest Minecraft mount that can only be encountered after an extremely unlikely event.

The skeleton horse is a unique, hostile mob that spawns only after a regular horse has been struck by lightning. The mob is aggressive upon spawning, but the player can tame it by wrangling it and putting a saddle on it, turning it into a lightning-fast (pardon the pun) steed that can easily outrun any other mount in the game.

The only problem with obtaining the skeleton horse is that, if you’ve ever played Minecraft, you know how rare lightning storms can be. Now combine this with the possibility of one lightning bolt hitting a horse (instead of its usual favorite target, your house), and it's easy to see why so few Minecraft players actually get to keep one in their stable.

Luckily, if you're interested in getting one, the internet is full of tutorials and strategies detailing how to increase your chances of causing a lightning bolt to hit a horse.

Just don't replicate them in real life.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.