10 Extremely Rare Video Game NPCs That Reward You For Finding Them

8. Secret Moblin - The Legend Of Zelda

fallout 4 scribe

If you’re an OG Zelda fan, you’ve probably heard the phrase “It’s a secret to everybody.” It’s been commonly used in many Zelda parodies and memes, and yet, despite its frequent occurrence in our media, its source is probably one of the most elusive creatures in the history of the Zelda series.

The Secret Moblin is a hidden NPC in the original Legend of Zelda who likes to hide inside caves and, unlike his surface-dwelling brethren, isn’t hostile towards Link.

The Moblin awards you with a hefty sum of rupees for finding him, uttering the phrase “it’s a secret to everybody,” and let’s just say that his words are probably the biggest understatement of the year 1986.

Finding the secret Moblin is one of the hardest and rarest accomplishments in the game. In order to discover his hidden lairs, you need to burn through so many bushes and blow up so many walls with bombs that the map will look like a devastated warzone afterward.

His appearance is an even bigger novelty than finding the old man, and that’s saying something considering that guy is also a cave-dwelling hermit hiding in holes and cracked walls.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.