10 Extremely Rare Video Game NPCs That Reward You For Finding Them

7. Crystal Lizards - Darks Souls

fallout 4 scribe
Bandai Namco

Crystal lizards are a staple of Dark Souls, whose rare but prominent appearance in the game has led to similar critters showing up in other FromSoftware titles, such as the scurrying beast in Bloodborne, for example.

At their core, the lizards are tiny and rare enemies who drop valuable upgrade materials upon killing them. In practice, they are one of the most elusive and hard-to-find NPCs in the entire game.

Due to their small size, fast speed, and tendency to flee, it can be very hard to spot a crystal lizard while exploring the map. You might spot their shiny backs in the distance, but by the time you realize it, the critter will already be bolting to the nearest crack in the wall.

This, combined with their valuable loot, naturally makes them very sought-after creatures, which in turn has led to the creation of many tutorials, discussion threads, and posts trying to come up with strategies for finding and killing them.

If you’re struggling to get your hands on one, you can actually consult one of these posts to make the hunt a little easier, although don’t be surprised if these sneaky little guys still manage to evade you.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.