10 Famous Gaming Secrets (That Never Really Existed)

1. Nude Raider

Game: Tomb Raider (1996)

The Secret: By using a hidden technique, you can make Lara lose her clothes!

Tomb Raider was one of gaming's biggest successes in the late '90s, and continues to be a successful(ish) franchise since its reboot a few years ago. Having a controllable female character (who was a badass, no less) was a relatively unusual idea back then, and helped the series to become wildly popular.

For a game that's all about uncovering mysteries, it's humourous to note that one of the most sought after secrets was never actually true. The idea of a Lara Croft "nude code" was going around way back during the first game's release, and continued to be a common rumour even in later sequels.

Players would spread (totally false) elaborate stories about how you could perform a complex series of jumps, or input certain button presses within a small amount of time in order to get a look at those pixelated boobies. Of course, it was all a pack of lies, and only mods or external cheating tools could get Lara's clothes off.

Did you ever believe any of these gaming secrets? Are there any others that we should have included? Let us know in the comments below!


Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.