10 Famous Video Games That Started Out As Something Else Entirely

6. Banjo Kazooie

Originally a Super NES role playing game, the title which was at one time known as "Project Dream" saw more than the bit count change as it was moved to the Nintendo 64. The game's protagonist, a boy named Edison who would wield a wooden sword, was given the boot for being "too generic" in favor of a secondary character: A honey bear named Banjo (though not before trying a rabbit first). Various other roles would be switched around as well, with a giant Gruntilda becoming the main antagonist and the original villain, Edison's rival Captain Blackeye, being cast aside until the sequel. Meanwhile, the shift to a more Super Mario 64-inspired action game saw a rise in prominence for the other half of the game's titular duo. Originally a baby bird with a small role who was found by Edison's little sister, Ella, Kazooie would go on to become a constant traveling companion for Banjo. At first the developers had different appendages appear from Banjo's backpack to serve different functions, such as wings to allow for double-jumps and a pair of skinny legs for fast movement. Before long, they decided that these parts could all belong to another character who rode around in the backpack, and so Kazooie was (re)born. We may never know if Edison could have achieved success by fighting pirates, but it's hard to argue with success. Banjo and Kazooie went on to star in an Nintendo 64 sequel, a Game Boy Advance spin-off, and even went racing with Diddy Kong. Even after Microsoft acquired Rare, demand for the duo's return was high into the Xbox 360 era. At that point, though, Rare attempted to reinvent the wheel - literally, resulting in Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts 'n Bolts, which brought about a new look, a vehicle-creation mechanic, and a mixed reception among fans.

Former Nintendo Power writer, current Nintendo Force writer. Wrote the book on Mega Man (The Robot Master Field Guide). Was once fired by Vince McMahon. Dabbles in video games, comic books, toys, and fast food curiosities. Once had a new species of exotic bird named after him. It died. You can find more of his writings, musings, and other such things on his websites at Nyteworks.net.