10 Fan Controversies That Dominated Video Games

6. Diablo II Remaster Overshadowed By Bad Working Practices

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The Diablo series has been a pinnacle of the top-down, point-and-click adventure genre for twenty five years. Two strong entries and a slightly wonky always-online third one are testament to the fan base it's gathered along the way. Then there's the upcoming mobile game, Immortal, which is probably best not mentioned here.

Alas no, the fuss here wasn't so much the release of the Diablo II remaster in late 2021, it was the lack of it. After the massive backlash to Diablo Immortal, surely fans would be more welcoming to a remaster of one of the more beloved titles?

Well, one would imagine they would... if it were not completely overshadowed by the quite serious allegations that Activision Blizzard are undergoing.

There's much documented evidence to what's going on there, so it isn't worth trawling over here. Suffice to say, the furore surrounding poor working practices and worse has pretty much buried the remaster.

It has reviewed well, given that the first sequel didn't really need much improving on. But unfortunately, it has been completely marred by a company quickly overtaking EA as "the worst company ever".


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.