10 Fan Controversies That Dominated Video Games

5. Street Fighter V's Lack Of Launch Content

gran turismo 7

The Street Fighter series, Capcom's multi-million selling beat 'em up, is no stranger to reiteration. Even as far back as Street Fighter II in 1991, that game alone saw several revisions over the years.

The difference between that and 2016's Street Fighter V, however, is that Street Fighter II was a complete game at launch. Each version was just tweaks, balances and new characters.

For V's launch, it was different.

For one, it was massively devoid of content. The focus, as Capcom put it, was to put out a game in time for esports tournaments. A bare bones game, with barely any single player or story content, fans were annoyed at paying full price for a game that was barely there.

A free story mode (a rare, non-paid update from Capcom) was released shortly after, but that wasn't enough. As such, SFV didn't hit its lofty sales expectation because, well, nobody wanted half a game.

Time has been kind to it, with it now being the second-highest selling entry in the series. Yes, it's still plagued with paid content, but you can now buy a more-or-less complete version... with a Definitive Edition on the way too.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.