10 Fantastic Video Games You’ll Never Play Because They’re Too Hard

2. Super Meat Boy

The game that only 0.8% of people completed according to Raptr.com, and one that although it helped two-man team Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes find gaming-fame almost overnight, is easily 'that game' everyone does the inhale-through-closed-teeth noise for whenever it gets a mention. At this point there'd usually be an "Actually people don't realise it's quite easy once you..."- no, it's excruciatingly, aggravatingly, impossibly, stupidly difficult - and about as unforgiving as that sentence is over the top. However, there is some genius in SMB that holds up to this day; the crafted worlds you can tell were a labour of love from both Team Meat members, the exquisitely perfected jumps necessary to get through certain spaces that have had their surrounding geometry trimmed to a pixel-specific degree, and the animation therein that harbours the exact amount of charm needed to stop you from breaking something. Still, with SMB proving gamers would rally around a title purpose-built to test their mettle, it gave way for something more recent that's just immediately "Eff that!" worthy...
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