10 Fantastic Video Games You’ll Never Play Because They’re Too Hard

1. 1001 Spikes

Just look at it - does that look like fun? Maybe to some hipster-style mindset of only playing the hardest, most anti-mainstream (or fun) games out there it could be, but for the rest of us it's a quick flick of the middle finger in its general direction before taking off and playing something that's not going to leave you frothing at the mouth. Developed by Nicalis and thoroughly inspired by the likes of Dark Souls and Super Meat Boy, it's something that revels in its own impenetrable nature. There are constantly-pulsating rows of spikes, out-of-reach collectibles begging you to elongate your time in the levels and one-shot-you're-dead game mechanics that instantly reload your last checkpoint, eager to let you try again. Maybe if you're built with the iron thumbs and patience of some Super Saiyan-style gamer-God you'll stymy up the intestinal fortitude to give this a shot, but if that picture above didn't make you feel a little queazy inside well, you might also not be human. Which games just make you go "Eff that!" whenever they get sold on their difficulty? Let us know in the comments and join the Facebook page for more!
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