10 Fantastic Video Games You’ll Never Play Because They’re Too Hard

5. Ninja Gaiden

So, following both Devil May Cry and God of War's proof that the 3rd person hack n' slash genre wasn't confined to isometric Diablo-style gameplay, it was over to Tecmo to refine the core mechanics of arena-based slashers to a mirror sheen. Re-enter Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox, a total rework of the ancient NES original given the appropriate DMC-esque kick up the shurikens and fired through a production budget that made the whole thing soar. Soar at least... if you actually checked it out. The original game's appeal was routed in the same notion of seeing how far people could get before giving up, and even if you dove into this new one, the first boss was a ridiculously proficient piece of code just waiting to wipe that "Well this isn't that bad after all!"-type grin off your face. Following two spectacular instalments the series went downhill very fast in part three, but its difficulty has remained intact if you think you've got the stones to embody a super-powered ninja-badass going up against lands of ghouls and military hardware. Just be sure to remove any valuables from the immediate vicinity when doing so.
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