10 Fantastically Original Video Games That Deserve Your Attention

2. This War Of Mine

With its desolate landscape looking more like the aftermath of a post-apocalyptic meltdown than the result of a war torn society, this 2D RPG survival title nonetheless imbues its characters with just enough personality and relatability that you'll find yourself emotionally connecting with every NPC you come across. Which is all well and good, until you inevitably make the wrong decision while leading and micro-managing your group of survivors and end up getting some of them permanently killed. Even without detailed character designs or fully-fledged voice actors, you'll be surprised at how quickly you become invested in keeping everyone alive through any means necessary. Discovering the terrible depths you€™re then willing to stoop to to survive; deciding whether you€™d be willing to sacrifice ailing members of your community for the good of the many or even the simple act of planning how you€™re going to ration out your small amount of resources to a group of too many people can all play a part. In the end it culminates into an admittedly exhausting experience €“ but This War of Mine provides you with a ride that's so riveting, unique and emotionally satisfying, you simply won't be able to tear yourself away from its punishing cruelty.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3