10 Fantastically Original Video Games That Deserve Your Attention

1. Journey

Journey isn€™t a particularly easy game to describe; providing more of a transient experience than anything of a hardcore challenge, this 2012 indie came out of nowhere to win the hearts of critics worldwide and rightfully sweep most of that year's gaming awards. A puzzling adventure game at heart, you have the option to either brave Journey€™s short campaign alone or with the aid of an online helper €“ but you€™ll never find out their name, or even talk to them for that matter. Instead, communication is boiled down to musical chimes that allow you to work together to figure out the nuances of this hugely emotional experience. Boasting a simple but beautiful art style and an absolutely spectacular score, there aren't any parts of the game that don't live up to the hype that - strange for the game industry - has only grown larger and larger since the title's initial release. Even though you€™ll probably only play through it once, you€™ll never forget what it felt like to uncover the secrets and beat the puzzles of this stunning title. What are your favourite original games that really deserve more exposure? Let us know in the comments!
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3