5. The Utter Pointlessness Of Vehicles

Outside of getting you from A to B in a more time-efficient manner, the Sparrow doesn't really do much else. It has no weaponry attached, it doesn't really shield you from damage, it's just faster than walking everywhere. Even when you take control of enemy vehicles, it doesn't feel empowering enough or feel like it adds much to the main gameplay as a whole. Your ship serving as a loading screen has been touched on time and time again, yet still hasn't been altered to fit any purpose within combat or even multiplayer. The fact that the many different ship options, each varied in price, offer no actual non-cosmetic benefits is a clear expression of the phrase "Why even bother?" At least in Halo where there was the Warthog or the Ghost, there was a sense of both firepower and engine thrust that allowed you to feel empowered, like you had the upper hand on the enemy. With the Warthog especially, there was that sense of camaraderie with other players, as someone was steering while another was on the turret, shooting anything that gets in the way. With Destiny's one person-only Sparrows, you can take part in races and get to places quickly - but that's it. It's hardly the same sense of enjoyment, that's for sure.