10 Features & Video Games That Could Have Saved The Wii U

3. Played DVDs And Blu-Ray discs


Nintendo has never liked getting into costly licensing arrangements with other companies, or worse still, its competitors. So, when the GameCube launched in 2001 with its miniature 8cm discs, it took a partnership with Panasonic to deliver the legendary coveted Q-Cube which would play DVDs in a separate drive.

This was at the very same time that Microsoft and Sony were delivering systems with full-spec features: DVD players built in, ethernet ports added and online functions being the new standard. Nintendo have never bowed to consumer demand to play movies: the Wii ran DVDs but wouldn't play movies and so the Wii U continued this trend. Despite offering new optical discs, neither DVDs nor Blu-Rays played on the Wii U.

Now some might say the offering of Hulu, YouTube, Netflix, Amazon Video and the BBC iPlayer excused this. But every little feature helps when trying to get your console into living rooms and bedrooms of the world.

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Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.