10 Features & Video Games That Could Have Saved The Wii U

4. Off-TV Play For All Games


Off-TV Play was an excellent idea, and meant busy televisions could have some respite from marathon gaming sessions.

For many games though, it simply wasn't taken far enough or was handled badly. For every Nintendoland, ZombiU and Splatoon, there was a Star Fox Zero. There were also weird inconsistencies in its implementation: most games such as didn't even have Off-TV Play despite it being a fairly highly-rated feature among critics and gamers alike.

The range of the gamepad also had its own problems: moving more than 5 metres away from the console itself would drop the connection. If Call of Duty: Black Ops II could offer multiplayer and co-op modes using both the Wii U gamepad and the television, then there's no excuse for other games at all.

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Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.