10 Ferocious Video Game Storms You Won't Survive

9. Thunder Plains - Final Fantasy X

Just Cause Lightning Screenshot
Square Enix

Thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening indeed.

The Thunder Plains of 2001's Final Fantasy X may lack an imaginative name, but they do live up to it.

An exercise is lightning-fast (get it) reflexes, traversing this area really kept players in a constant state of alert. Y'see, this area is named appropriately, as you are hounded by incessant lightning strikes that love nothing more than to ground themselves through the quickest route: you.

For story purposes, you only have to traverse this area a handful of times. But you completionists and masochists seeking out top tier equipment, this is where it gets interesting.

If, for some reason, you want the Venus Sigil to craft Lulu's Celestial Weapon, you have to dodge 200 lightning strikes. In a row.

That's right; not accumulative, but consecutively. What's worse, interacting with anything else resets the count, and you wouldn't want that to happen.

As an added little twist, Rikku, one of your party members is extremely phobic of lightning. If you have her fall in battle whilst on the plains, her death will cause a "hidden" game over.

Damn, Squaresoft.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.