10 Ferocious Video Game Storms You Won't Survive

8. Dubai Sandstorms - Spec Ops: The Line

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Unlike most others in this list, this one presents a very real "what if?" potential. So much so that it the game is banned in the UAE for showing Dubai in a "state of destruction".

Six months prior to the events of Spec Ops: The Line, the surprise hit of 2012, Dubai has been hit by ferocious sandstorms that have caused people to evacuate the once luxurious city.

Captain Walker and his men are greeted by towering sand columns, impassible dunes and blocked highways. Cutting off roads makes their mission harder than it needs to be, beginning to make what should have been a simple rescue/recon mission tougher.

It also becomes both aid and hindrance in combat, too. On one hand, you can take out destructible partitions and cause sand tidal waves to take enemies out. On the other, unscheduled sandstorms can really mess up your sense of direction and see you walking straight into the barrel of someone else's gun.

I mean, that's not the worst thing that happens in The Line, but it's up there.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.