10 Fiendishly Clever Secrets Hidden In Video Game Covers

2. "U R MR GAY" - Super Mario Galaxy

Super Mario Galaxy

And now, for surely the most hilariously weird and childish Easter egg ever concealed on any video game cover.

The brilliant Super Mario Galaxy infamously placed some twinkling stars on certain letters in its title, which when singled out spelled the phrase, "U R MR GAY."

2007 sure was a different time, right?

And if you felt that this was somehow a strange coincidence, the artists working on Super Mario Galaxy 2's cover decided to offer up a witty riposte, placing twinkles on letters that read out the message, "U R MIAY," which when reversed reads, "YA I M R U," as in, "Yeah I am, are you?"

The elegance with which these messages are subtly hidden within the logo totally belies just how stupid and immature the messages themselves actually are. Genius.

Super Mario Galaxy 2

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.