10 Fiendishly Clever Secrets Hidden In Video Game Covers

3. The Infamous IGN Watermark - Okami

Okami Wii
Clover Studio

This isn't so much a clever Easter egg as it is an astounding hidden gaffe which nevertheless passed by most players undetected.

The 2008 Wii release of cult action-adventure game Okami boasts gorgeous new box art created specifically for this new version...except somebody somewhere got lazy and didn't use key art from Capcom themselves for the manufacturing run.

As a result, an eagle-eyed NeoGAF user noticed an IGN watermark visible near protagonist Amaterasu's mouth, indicating that somebody cribbed the artwork from IGN - or worse still, a Google search - rather than receiving a perfect cover from the source itself.

Worse still, the same printing screw-up was present on both the game's manual and even the BradyGames strategy guide.

The mistake picked up enough traction online that Nintendo eventually offered amended covers to affected customers, and as such the original botched cover is now a collector's item.

Granted, the overwhelming majority of players never spotted the watermark, so the artist mostly got away with their extreme laziness.

Okami Wii
Clover Studio

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.