10 Final Bosses That Made You Give Up Entirely
2. Culex 3D - Super Mario RPG Remake

After completing Super Mario RPG's main campaign, our heroes will get to face off against a group of super-bosses. Although each of these enemies is rock-hard, none can compare to the last adversary, Culex 3D. As imposing as this Final Fantasy-themed enemy was the first time around, this version may be the hardest Mario boss ever.
Like before, Culex 3D can attack up to five times per turn. But since the interdimensional creature now relies on insta-kill attacks and disabling the party's moves, there's little opportunity to perform counter-measures. While the Italian plumber wastes time healing or resuscitating fallen party members, Culex will be prepping his next five attacks.
Now, the key to winning any fight in Super Mario RPG is by perfecting Timed Hits. By pressing the action at the right time while striking an enemy, Mario's ensemble can perform an extra hit. For certain attacks, it's theoretically possible to perform a hundred Timed Hits in a row.
Although this level of skill is almost unfeasible, it's necessary when facing Culex 3D. Unless Mario and his pals execute a staggering amount of Timed Hits, the dark fiend will win within a few turns.