10 Final Bosses That Made You Give Up Entirely

1. Isshin The Sword Saint - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Mario RPG Culex

More often than not, the hardest boss in a FromSoftware title tends to be optional. So, if players are having trouble with beating a particular foe during a side-quest or in the DLC, it shouldn't impair their progress in the main campaign.

But when it came to Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the developers decided to finish things off with the most merciless enemy imaginable, Isshin the Sword Saint.

Just to be clear, Sekiro is brutally difficult, even by Soulslike standards. And yet, Isshin still manages to put every other boss to shame. 

The master samurai utilises an array of swift and unblockable attacks, which will cut Sekiro down to size. Memorising this attack pattern is far from easy, as Isshin has more moves than any other opponent. Since attacking directly is suicidal. players must utilise their deflection skills to last more than 30 seconds.

What's worse is Isshin unleashes extensive combos that can't be countered. When he whips out his colossal spear, it's daunting to get close to him without being ripped to shreds. To top it all off, it's hard to read the elite swordman's moves because they're often obscured by the tall grass surrounding him.

Simply put, the only way to defeat Isshin is to play perfectly. If a single error is made, the chances of coming out on top is pretty much zero.

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