10 Final Bosses That Utterly Ruined Their Video Games

8. Shao Khan - Mortal Kombat

Shoa Khan

If you're a few years either side of 30, you'll likely reserve a special place in your heart for Mortal Kombat. Usually only playable by having to sneak into the unattended bedroom of someone's older siblings, MK offered a thrilling mix of blood, gore, violence, and puns. More squeamish children being known to literally running screaming out the door whenever a flukey button-mash triggered the infamous Sub Zero Spine Rip. The single player game was fast and intuitive, and like all beat-em-ups you were able to defeat most enemies with a little practice.

But then of course there was your final opponent, Shao Khan, who was tougher than a Wetherspoons' steak. Every swing of his ridiculous limbs would deprive you of about a quarter of your health and, seemingly for a laugh, he'd pull a giant hammer out of nowhere and tent-peg you into the ground. He was so overpowered that, no matter how well you played the game or how quickly you could make your thumbs move, defeating him was always just beyond your reach.

At first challenging you, then frustrating you, before finally infuriating you to the point of putting your Mega Drive pad down and giving up entirely, the game's developers have since openly admitted to deliberately making Khan a complete nightmare in order to make players dread facing him in future titles. Although whether they realise how much he ruined this game remains a mystery.

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