10 Final Levels That Almost Ruined Incredible Video Games

9. BioShock

How it ended: One of the greatest games ever made, BioShock pushed the boundaries of narrative in video games, and thoroughly mind-melted every single person that played through it when Atlas revealed his undeniably genius scheme to control Rapture. With such a thought-provoking narrative, themes of misplaced power and existentialism, many believed BioShock's ending was going to be one that was extremely intellectual. Nope. Instead, the game somehow devolved into a generic end-of-game boss battle against a mutated Atlas that essentially overdosed on steroids (Adam) to become the monstrosity you see above. How it should have ended: Instead of the utterly inane boss fight that the game came packaged with, BioShock's creators would have received far less criticism if they had done almost anything else. With that said, a final confrontation with Atlas/Frank Fontaine would have worked much, much better if it had gone down the psychological manipulation route that had already been established prior to the final fight. The fact that your enemy was also your father was a complete missed opportunity to do something special.
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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.