10 Final Levels That Almost Ruined Incredible Video Games

7. Uncharted 2

How it ended: A world-spanning adventure to locate a mysterious, powerful artefact, Uncharted 2's gameplay is matched only by its believable characters, their motives and the events that surround them. Yet, for some absurd reason, after a 15-plus hour long journey through some rather exotic locations and oodles of character development for Nathan Drake and his pals, Naughty Dog thought it was a good idea to add a final challenge to the closing hour of the game: blue-skinned guardians that felt totally out of place. Sure, the Uncharted series does dabble in the supernatural at times, but their implementation and actual appearance felt extremely uninspired. How it should have ended: If the guardians needed to stay in, then they should most definitely have been redesigned to make them look more intimidating. A few people painted blue doesn't present much of a threat, and instead how about a puzzle-based final stage in which the artefact Drake and co. are after is protected by a multi-layered barrier that requires the solving of various different head-scratchers? It might have slowed the pace down, but for a series built on collecting and analysing artefacts, having to rely on your wits to succeed sounds far more riveting than shooting nameless blue people in the face.
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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.