10 Forgotten Gaming Characters Nintendo Needs To Revive

9. Ice Climbers

climbers I know, I know, another Smash Brother€™s entry. You remember them, but again, when was the last time you played a brand new Ice Climbers game? Never? That€™s because they only had one game, ever, and it was released in 1985. One of my personal favorites as a child, I was excited to see them in Super Smash Brothers Melee. This gave some gamers hope that Nintendo was possible going to make a new Ice Climbers game but we all know this was only speculation. It€™s a shame, because those two have potential. Popo and Nana are quite likable, with their optimistic smiles, and since they€™ve only had one game, their back story is rather vague. They€™re two blank slates in a way, and Nintendo could use them however they€™d like. These leads to multiple possibilities as to what a new Ice Climbers game would actually be like. The characters could fit many genres and game types. Platforming, RPG or Brawler. I could see all of those fitting the Ice Climbers style and universe in some way. Given that there€™s also two main characters, co-op would be a natural fit, further increasing the games potential value. Realistically, it€™s highly doubtful at this point that Nintendo would make another Ice Climbers game, and knowing how much potential the characters have makes the reality of their situation feel worse. At the very least we can hope they€™ll be featured again in the next Smash Brothers game.
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Evan Tavares is a film student that enjoys cooking, television and gory foreign horror films, at least according to his Netflix recommendations.