10 Forgotten WWE Match Types That Need To Return

8. Championship Scramble

Casket Match Thumb

The hot potato chaos of the championship scramble lives on in the form of the 24/7 title, so as an added bonus in bringing this stipulation back, you could scrap the embarrassing green belt at the same time.

It’s a match type that would need to be used sparingly because, in seeing a championship switch hands repeatedly in quick succession, you do to at least some extent devalue that prize. When used to good purpose, though - for a vacant belt, perhaps - it can add an element of unpredictability that’s so often missing from modern wrestling, and throw up some interesting interim champions.

Witness the 2008 match that saw The Brian Kendrick, of all people, briefly become interim champ in a match that included MVP and Shelton Benjamin (as well as Jeff Hardy and Triple H, each of whom grabbed the belt thrice, the latter taking it home). It can also be a useful way to take the audience’s temperature on this or that superstar - who gets the best pop when holding the gold, however brief their reign?

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)