10 Forgotten WWE Match Types That Need To Return

6. Kennel From Hell Match

Casket Match Thumb

Hear us out on this one.

Yes, the first and only Kennel From Hell match was a disaster. The cage within a cage made it tough viewing, and the scared, untrained dogs lining the outside of the ring made for unedifying viewing.

What if it was done properly, though? Al Snow made clear his requirements prior to the match - trained dogs which could be instructed to properly dramatize the match by looking fearsome and bloodthirsty instead of wetting themselves with fear. He was ignored, and a disparate group of canines was assembled to turn Snow and Big Boss Man into laughing stocks.

With trained, snarling hounds, conceivably this could look the business. Even if they weren’t heavily involved, killer canines acting as lumberjacks would undoubtedly add an X-factor to a feud, particularly if it were one built less clumsily than Boss Man vs. Snow (Boss Man tricked Snow into eating a dog, basically).

WWE have gotten better at owning their mistakes, and can laugh at The Gobbledy Gooker, Mae Young’s hand, etcetera. A Kennel From Hell revamp may not be a keen source of nostalgia, but it’d be a chance to see if Al Snow really was onto something all those years ago.

OK, maybe not.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)