10 Free Games For Apple Products You Should Waste Time Playing

3. You Don't Know Jack! by Jellyvision

Ydkj Back in the 90s, my sister and I used to play a CD-ROM (what?) called You Don't Know Jack! - Movies. I had no idea that this game was one of several that existed in the world. All I know is that, apart from Where In The World Is Carmen San Diego?, YDKJ! - Movies was the best game ever. The humor in the game was way over my head, but it wasn't over my parents' and any game that they could play with me that they also enjoyed was a huge win. YDKJ! has come to the iPod and it is just as funny as I remember, only I get the jokes now. Though it has changed a little to keep up with the times, it is still the same basic premise. What the game is, in this version, is a trivia show where you're up against not two other contestants, but five and the faster you guess the answers, the more points are awarded to you. If you play this on Facebook, you have to play against Facebook users - though not only your friends, which is nice. If you play this on your iPod or iPad, you don't have to log into Facebook in order to play, which is super nice! There are no ads that I can remember off the top of my head, except the game's ads, which are pretty hilarious. If you like trivia, you'll really like YDKJ!.
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I am a college graduate of Penn State with two bachelors in the arts. When I'm not writing or performing, I am an SFX make-up artist for local up and coming films in the Houston area. I love horror movies, James Spader, and will watch anything suggested to me.