10 Future Telltale Games Series We'd Love To See

3. James And The Giant Peach

telltale games star wars

Look I don't like bugs, or peaches particularly for that matter. But bare with me!

The Wolf Among Us took inspiration from Fables which took some of the most kid-friendly characters from fiction and placed them into a gritty world filled with murder, brothels and drugs that make you pretty. With me so far? Good.

I think Telltale could adapt a James And The Giant Peach storyline in a similar way, make it really creepy and twisted in a Tim Burton kind of manner. Sinister art styles and reimagined plot elements could make the story really fresh and entertaining for players. Let's make James' life pretty terrible so he thinks floating off in a giant fruit with a bunch of sentient grubs is his best option.

This is an ambitious one, but I think done right it could be a really interesting and unique addition to the Telltale family. Let's change up the way James became an Orphan, maybe his parents were murdered and his adoptive Aunts are abusive and making his life a living hell.

Tweaking the personas of the insects could also be an interesting way of creating some really engaging dialogue and choices for the player too, all these additions could be made without straying away from the source material too far.

I honestly think it would be quite the worthwhile adaptation.


Professional greebo. Duck lover. Gin.