10 Game Over Screens That Pissed You Off The Most

2. Resident Evil & Dark Souls

Bloodborne You Died

Because both the Resident Evil and Dark Souls games take such a similar approach to dressing the player down for screwing up, we decided to lump them together for the sake of added value.

First up, the Resident Evil series has actually vaguely switched-up its passive-aggressive mockery throughout the series.

The earlier games showed the player's corpse in a black void as the matter-of-fact declaration, "You died", appeared on screen, often accompanied by zombies feasting on your flesh as blood splashes across the screen.

With the release of the GameCube's Resident Evil remake, however, this changed to "You are dead" for reasons unknown.

But the irritation factor is effectively the same - the game, with a faint air of sarcasm, is pointing out the most obvious thing in the world, as though cheekily begging the player to do better next time.

Similarly, the Dark Souls games throw up "You died", in a manner that's inherently more annoying if only because you'll see it so damn much. Like, we get it - no need to rub it in, OK?

In the case of Dark Souls, the Game Over screen even went on to become a popular meme, though it was Resident Evil that first opted to dryly rib the player for their failure.

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Resident Evil
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.