10 Games That Punish You For Ignoring The Story

1. No 100% Completion For You - Final Fantasy X-2

furi the song
Square Enix

Skipping cutscenes is an essential part of any game, especially one as long as Final Fantasy X-2.

And yet, the developers of that particular title thought the skipping mechanic was a privilege, not a right, and made it so that skipping any dialogue or cutscene in their game would not let you get a 100% completion score.

That's right! Apparently, you haven't played X-2 unless you devote all of your attention to every single bit of dialogue in the game. If you skip something at any point, it will cost you your completion score and force you to replay the game to get it back.

What's worse is that your completion percentage counts towards what kind of ending you get, meaning that those who let themselves ignore the long-winded dialogue of the Final Fantasy series, even during the least essential moments in the game, will get a worse ending, even if they managed to do everything else perfectly right.

Maybe the writers got so self-conscious about people saying Final Fantasy has a convoluted plotline, they felt they had to force them to watch all of it?

Yeah, let's do some auto victim blaming here and say it's our fault.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.