10 Games That Will Win Major Awards In 2015

2. Star Wars: Battlefront

Award It Will Win: Best Shooter The anticipation for a third Battlefront game has been fervorous for sometime now, thanks to a teaser trailer at E3 2013 which finally revealed the game was in development by EA. Excitingly, long-time Battlefield developers DICE are working on the game (in fact, they lobbied to save it from being scrapped entirely); a match made in heaven for many, as Battlefront's focus on large-scale multiplayer is very similar in style to Battlefield. Despite no details being announced about the game (aside from some concept stuff), it is still on course to launch in late 2015, tying in with The Force Awakens' release in cinemas. There's a strong possibility then that Battlefront could tie into that film in some way, giving it an extra mass-market appeal that EA loves so dearly. With no gameplay footage and only meager, conceptual details to discuss, speculation is rife about the game. EA have stated that the game will be "DICE's interpretation of what Battlefront should be" which sounds like good news - DICE are experts in the shooter genre and as they are clearly passionate about the project, expect Battlefront to be more than a Battlefield game with a Star Wars skin. DICE's experience in the shooter genre will still be essential though - if their iteration of Battlefront disappoints, it could doom the franchise. Creating maps based around Hoth and Endor will please fans greatly but if the gameplay doesn't match up, it will be for nothing. It's still unclear exactly what people can expect from Battlefront then. Still, the optimists out there will say that DICE's involvement in a reinvigorated Star Wars universe is a beautiful marriage which could very well produce the finest shooter 2015 has to offer.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.