10 Games That Will Win Major Awards In 2015

3. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

Award It Will Win: Best PlayStation 4 Game Everything about the Uncharted series is cinematic - even Naughty Dog's summary of the fourth game sounds like something straight out of a film trailer, describing it as "Nathan Drake's greatest adventure yet, testing his physical limits, resolve and what's he willing to sacrifice to save the ones he loves..." Exciting fluff aside, Uncharted has always delivered an adrenalin-soaked experience and A Thief's End will undoubtedly carry that on - the gameplay demo shows Nathan hanging precariously over cliffs, choking a guy to death with his own gun and diving from cover to cover in the middle of gunfights. In addition, the game looks gorgeous, taking full advantage of the PlayStation 4's technical capabilities. There's some breathtaking vistas to explore but impressively, the game also seems capable of making dark, claustrophobic caverns interesting to explore too. Plus, shifts in staff at Naughty Dog have seen directors Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley put in control of the project; that's good news for Uncharted, considering the duo's last release was the exceptional The Last Of Us. Given the high quality of the series to date, it would seem Uncharted 4 simply has to be released to sweep up awards and acclaim. Naughty Dog don't seem the types to rest on their laurels though, so Uncharted 4 will still be packed with surprises, twists and shocks, giving the PlayStation 4 an essential title for all to be in awe of.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.