10 Gaming Boss Fight Tropes That Need To Die
4. 3-Hit Formula
Okay, so it's mainly Nintendo who are guilty of this one, but they're not alone by any means.
Think back to your favourite - or least favourite, for that matter - Mario, Zelda, Kirby, or Yoshi game, and you'll no doubt recall a boss or five who require you to hit them three times in order to defeat them and continue on your merry way.
The first hit can usually be dealt quite easily, as the boss is still moving relatively slowly at this point, and has not yet evolved into a new form (more on that later...), nor have they amended their - yep - patterns.
After this first blow has landed, the boss is a bit annoyed. At this stage, the boss usually speeds up their movement, making it more difficult to land that second hit, and may even throw a few minions at you in the meantime.
Land the second hit, however, and the boss is now well and truly furious, and will speed up further and may even sprout some spikes or something equally nefarious, the better to swat the dastardly hero.
Manage to successfully land a third hit on the boss and he's toast.
We know... Please stop.