10 Gaming Boss Fight Tropes That Need To Die

2. Quick Time Events

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Ninth Sister Boss Fight

Admittedly, this one is not as prevalent today as it once was, but it still refuses to go away.

Quick-time events, it seems, are the gift that keeps on giving.

Back in the mid-to-late 2000s though, players couldn't so much as go to the bathroom without having to hit Square, Square, Triangle, Square at exactly the right moment.

Failing the QTE in this example doesn't bear thinking about.

Games of all genres were 'quick' to leap aboard the QTE train (via a button combination, obviously) when the idea was first popularised, with titles like Resident Evil 4 and the Force Unleashed games best showcasing the QTE.

In the former, it was commonplace to see hero Cop Leon Kennedy running away from environmental hazards, shaking off persistent enemies, or - most importantly - finishing off bosses, via a sequence of button presses or convoluted movements of the Wii remote.

The latter was much the same sort of fare, albeit more limited to the all-important boss fights than general gameplay. QTEs were used in the Force Unleashed games to pick up and crush AT-STs, defeat rogue Jedi, and even face off against Vader and the Emperor.

QTEs had their time in the spotlight, but now they really need to go.


Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...