10 Gaming Boss Fight Tropes That Need To Die

1. Obvious/Glowing Weak Points

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Ninth Sister Boss Fight

This entry - somewhat ironically - should have been obvious.

Whether you are an avid Xboxer, a PS-person (I may have just made that up), a Nintendo nut, or you haven't played a game since the Sega Mega Drive, you will have encountered this phenomenon.

Again, the player has fought off the hordes of hell and made their circuitous way to a large, ominous chamber. The door immediately slams shut behind them and the music changes.

Out steps the entity we can only assume is the real boss, shown either in full or from the waist-up. How can the poor, lowly gamer possibly hope to defeat such a creature?

By deflecting its projectiles back at it? Probably. By hitting it three times? maybe.

"But where to hit it?" the player wonders....

Oh, I don't know... How about that massive, glowing, super-obvious weak spot?

We're looking at you, Metroid Prime, Star Fox, Dead Space, Lost Planet, Gradius, Shadow of the Colossus, R-Type, most of the 3D Mario games and virtually every Legend of Zelda title... The list goes on.

For decades we've been spoon-fed and signposted to victory by bosses literally wiggling, peacock-like, their massive glowing bits at us, and it's long since time this trope was banished forever.

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