10 Gaming Characters Whose Fates Were Left Unresolved

10. James Sunderland - Silent Hill 2

silent hill 2

Silent Hill 2 is an especially interesting case, because while the survival horror masterpiece does indeed depict many possible fates for tortured protagonist James Sunderland, Konami has never even remotely suggested which of the six endings is actually canon.

James' possible fates include leaving Silent Hill (either with a clean slate or being cursed by the town), committing suicide by drowning himself, and in decidedly jokier fashion, encountering the mystical dog who has been behind the events of the game all along, or even being abducted by aliens.

The subsequent Silent Hill games have offered only passing reference to James, and so it's entirely up in the air what truly became of him, as has mystified and agonised fans ever since.

Given the series' prevailing bleakness, it's probably a fair bet that James didn't have a good time whatever the outcome, but we'll probably never know for sure.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.