10 Gaming Characters Whose Fates Were Left Unresolved

9. Donald Love - Grand Theft Auto III

Grand Theft Auto 3 Donald Love

The Grand Theft Auto franchise is of course jam-packed with a host of colourful characters, most of whom receive a relatively concrete fate, be it death, jail, or in rare cases, freedom.

But there's one especially baffling outlier in GTA III, and that's charming media mogul - and self-confessed cannibal and necrophile - Donald Love.

Love makes several memorable appearances throughout the story, and in the character's final mission, "Love's Disappearance," the player arrives at his building to find it deserted, with Love nowhere to be found.

Neither the character nor his "Old Oriental Gentleman" pal are ever heard from again, and though Love has made brief appearances in several GTA prequel titles, his ultimate fate has never been resolved.

In 2009, Rockstar finally commented on Love's disappearance, saying, "No one is quite sure what happened to Donald Love. He certainly crossed a few boundaries and was trying to find a way back to normality. Whether or not he managed this, and what happened to the elderly Asian gentleman are matters we cannot speculate on."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.