10 Gaming DLCs That Surprised Everyone

2. The World Of Tomorrow - Hitman

Hitman 2 Sapienza
IO Interactive

IO Interactive’s 2016 Hitman really deserves a place on this list as an entity for its entire DLC model. When the episodic plan was released, it was easy to be cynical and see it as a continuation of some of the worst industry DLC practises. What we got, however, was a model that allowed IO to create the most in-depth, expansive contracts the Hitman series had ever seen, and a release schedule that encouraged players to spend time with each.

Two games on and a third one on the horizon, and ‘The World of Tomorrow’ mission remains one of the stealth/puzzle hybrid's best-loved locations. It doesn’t just feature the sprawling manse that contains your two assassination targets, but the entire Italian town of Sapienza around it. IO are the masters of packing their locations with dense puzzles and adventure-game style secrets, and Sapienza is no exception.

The Showstopper Paris level was a fantastic start for the new Agent 47, but The World of Tomorrow was truly surprising for how it cemented IO’s reputation as some of the finest level designers in gaming.

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